Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mommy's Day Off

My day started off with my devotions followed by a walk with my best little buddy. We held hands, talked, listened to Christmas music, stopped at two yard sales, and he even picked a flower for me.
My favorite thing I did today was use up a gift card to get a pedicure! One of the toes is already messed up but such is life. I also went to the flea market in Lake Wales for a few minutes. It was some kind of hot today so I didn't stay in the heat too long. Other than that I went grocery shopping at three different stores.

Blessings of my day:
1) A man noticed my car tire was getting low and stopped to let me know.
2) I was having trouble getting my one and only quarter to fit in the slot to get a buggy at Aldi. A lady saw my struggle and offered me her buggy. I gushed my thanks as I handed her my warped quarter.
3) I stopped at Arby's because I had a coupon for a free sandwich. The manager explained that they couldn't accept it because they are a corporate branch and not franchise. She gave me my coupon back and then gave me the sandwich AND my drink for FREE. 
4) This is from yesterday but it is a HUGE blessing. A sweet friend dropped off 3-4 bags of food to us. Going through the bags I kept thinking 'we just ran out of this, we use this all the time, I haven't had this in ages'.

God's blessings are amazing!

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