Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Alaska - Day 1

 (Above) How Josiah passed his time on the first flight from Orlando to Seattle which is just over a 5 hour flight.
(Below) How I passed my time.
 When we boarded our 2nd flight from Seattle to Fairbanks Josiah was so cranky. It was about 1am Florida time, totally passed his bedtime!! We had to wait a good 20 minutes just to take off it seemed. About 5 minutes before we took off Josiah looked at me and said "Mommy, I want my bed". I had him lay his head down and he was out and didn't even stir when we took off.
 He was rather cranky when we got to Fairbanks. Poor little guy was ready for some sleep.
Michael's parents have a little doggie and J has absolutely loved playing with her!
Sunday after Church Michael's family all met for a yummy lunch. The kids played around outside until it was time to eat.
Dustin and Josiah just having fun.

  Me and Sami on Sunday Night! Isn't she a gorgeous expectant mommy?!!!! I have enjoyed seeing her so much and I am looking forward to spending as much time with her as possible!


1 comment:

  1. Sami looks great!!! So glad you two are getting some time together! :)

    Missing you, but hope you are enjoying every minute there!

