Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jr. Church Christmas Party

This past Sunday was our 2nd annual Christmas party for our 3rd-5th grade Jr. Church class. Our day consisted of a fun review game for the kids and then a small plate of goodies. The kids behaved really well and our workers were AWESOME in helping get things ready and bringing in the supplies needed. Here are a few pictures of the kids digging in.

I haven't quite figured out if in the picture above if that sweet little face is licking icing off her face or sticking her tongue out at me... I am choosing to say that she is enjoying her cupcake.

Next Sunday we will be kicking off a new program in Jr. Church and we are so excited to see what the Lord is going to do in our class. Please pray with us that all the 'wrinkles' will get ironed out quickly and that the kids and parents will get involved.

~ Joy

1 comment:

  1. aw...I'm so sorry Ike missed the party. :o( hope you and J are feeling better!

