Friday, September 6, 2013

C is for Cow

Well, plans got changed at the last minute so our "special" day didn't happen this week. We hope it happens this coming week especially since our groupon expires on the 15th! :)

On to our week of school- 
This is Josiah first time writing his name in cursive. He has been tracing it for the last few weeks and he did really well for it being his first time! 
 This week he began learning to writing two letters linked together.
 Joanna sat in my lap watching him do his work yesterday. She would rest her chin on my desk and just stare. She is so cute how she tries to repeat the sound of the letters we are learning.
 We introduced blend cards this week and J has surprised me with how well he has picked up on his blends. So far we have learned 'T' and 'L' blends. I think the blends challenge him to listen for the 'e' and 'i' sounds. He has started distinguishing them so much better since the blends.

Yesterday I would show him a blend card and he would sound it out then read the blend. If he was correct then he got to put a piece of Bozo the Clown's face on. The way J put the ears on made me think it was a scary clown pig. :)
Josiah also got to spend some time with Daddy yesterday and ended up sitting in on the K5 class at the school. Josiah was so excited and told me all about being there and how he liked it and that he got to play with puzzles when the kids left. He cracked me up when he corrected me later in the day that he went to two schools and not just one. I was informed by the teacher that the only time he misbehaved was during a little "test" and he called out the right answer. LOL I wonder if five year olds know how to cheat yet. haha!

This week of school went by fast! It was also probably the best week we've had so far. I am feeling more comfortable and Josiah is getting into the routine. Joanna is also finding her routine as well. She actually spent most of the time playing or listening to us. I only had to put her in her room to play once or twice! 

I love listening to Michael go over Josiah's school work with him. Just ignore the fact that my son doesn't match. He dresses himself. ha!

Week 4: Complete! :)

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