Sunday, November 14, 2010

Round Up Sunday!

Today at Church was Round Up Sunday! Here was my little cowboy before we left the house.
He was going to wear his Woody costume but it is still too big and I would have had to iron it. :)

There were 148 Cowboys, Cowgirls, and Indians in Jr. Church this morning!

 These two ladies did an awesome job playing a special on the piano for us! The kids cracked me up while they were playing. Several "Ye-haw's" were shouted and a few were riding their pretend ponies and throwing lassos throughout the song.
 Quiet Seat Prize Winners

 This young man won the 'First Prize'. He had the classic "Me? Really? I won?" look on his face when he was pointed out. Gotta love it!
The best part was a handful of kids sought out a worker to find out how they could trust Christ as their Saviour. Praise the Lord for a wonderful day in His House!

1 comment:

  1. wow! what a great group you had! wasn't that piano special just phenomenal?!! glad all the kiddos enjoyed it too!

    your cute little cowboy gave me a rousing "howdy!" this morning! :) :) :)

    thanks for sharing!
