Friday, August 24, 2012

There's a First Time for Everything

Joanna getting ready for her first bite of cereal.
 Jo trying to figure out what on earth is inside her mouth.
 Our 'after' eating pic
 Our first family night with the Wii.
 Josiah getting to play with his new mighty machine toys and dirt inside the house for the first time...
 while watching his "Mighty Machines" movie. It was raining outside and I had already promised he could play with them outside in the dirt so I improvised. :)
 Joanna rolling over for the first time!!!
 If you look really close in this shot, you can see spit up fixing to come out of the side of her mouth. Nice, huh?
 She is having fun rolling back and forth!
 Josiah helping with laundry. Its not the first time he has helped but its the first time I've ever seen him bury himself inside the basket. :)
 The little lady falling asleep while playing. I've NEVER seen her do this before and then it dawned on me that Josiah wasn't home to keep her awake.
 Our first feather in our bird bath!
Since finding the feather I've spotted three different birds drinking from it while I wash the dishes! I have the bath right outside my kitchen window so I can watch it. :)
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Such lovely "firsts"! Thanks for sharing. And dirt inside? Awesome compromise!

