Friday, February 28, 2014

S is for Socks

 The last two weeks we have been focused on math. We tried out a new game which Josiah enjoyed so much that he told Joanna she just HAD to come play with him. :)
 I took some orange and blue squares and wrote numbers on them. Josiah took two of the squares and threw them one at a time, whatever number it landed on became part of an addition problem. He then had to write the equation on his doodle pad and solve it.

Another fun thing we did was use a velcro ball and target that I got at a yard sale for 10 cents. (Excuse Joanna's mess of books.)

 Josiah's reading continues to improve. We are using a little sticker chart to encourage him. For every book he finishes he gets a sticker and when it fills up he gets to buy a new book.
 One day the curriculum suggested using cars helping solve addition problems with a missing addend. He got crazy excited. It really worked for him but man alive he could not sit still for the rest of school.
Week 26: Complete!

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