Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finding Our New Normal

 This week has been pretty low key for us... at least so far. My goal for the next few weeks is to just find our new normal, figure out our schedule of daily activities/cleaning/meals, and to just take things slow.
 We have been going on early evening walks as a family and we have all enjoyed that time together. Don't worry, they have been nice short walks but I look forward to being able to handle going around the lake as my healing allows. Michael looks forward to it too because our road is slanted as well as down hill and he is tired of fighting with keeping the stroller moving straight ahead. :)
 Josiah and I started back with pre-school this week. The little nut cracks me up at how excited he is to do school. :) He wasn't on his best behavior today so he didn't get to do his art project, which involved markers, scissors, and glue. That my friends brought on some crocodile tears. I expect excellent behavior tomorrow. lol
 Joanna is such a blessing to our family. We waited a long time for her and it was well worth it. She has such a beautiful smile that just melts my heart. I love it when she turns her head toward our voices. I can tell she is going to be a snuggle bunny.
 Josiah loves to give her kisses and hugs. We've caught him reading her books and bringing her a blanket or toy. He even uses her as an excuse to get what he wants. His most often used one is "Mommy, Joanna really wants to watch a movie with me!"
 Michael is such a wonderful husband and father. He has kept this household running while I have been recovering and although he will tell you that he isn't doing a good job, he has. I wouldn't be recovering as well as I have if it wasn't for him. I thank God for the wonderful man He gave me!
I tried to take some pictures of Joanna today. I need like six more hands if I try that again. This is the only one that turned out decent. By the time I get her situated and I grab my camera I have no time to center it before she starts wiggling around.

Oh, and she decided to poop during her photo session.

 Nice, huh?


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Josiah is really getting good at the "smile for the camera" bit, isn't he? Such nice, big, natural smiles. :)

    I know that Joanna is going to grow up to be a pretty, modest young lady, and one day she's going to ask you, "MOM, why did you take a picture of me naked???" LOL Won't that be so FUN?!!! :) So glad you got one good one - it is just beautiful!

    Yay for the walks!
