Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tadpole - A Pregnancy Update

Sorry Y'all- You'll have to forgive the 'bathroom self-portrait' because I didn't like the other picture I had.

I am currently 29 weeks prego! It's crazy how time flies. I only have 11 or so weeks left and our little girl will be here.
She is an active little Tadpole. Last week at my appointment it took almost five whole minutes for the doctor to get a heartbeat because she would not stay still. The doc cracked me up when she said the baby was 'Living la vida loca in there'. She is like that anytime I lay down or sit down to rest.

So far I have gained 1 pound- whoop whoop! :) I am still 3 lbs short of what my first weigh in was, but there are no concerns about that.

I have started my 'every two weeks' doctor appts. On the 15th I go back for another ultrasound! I am looking forward to seeing my little girl again. Hopefully, she will cooperate and be still so we can get some 3D pictures of her!

The only 'complaints' I have would be my feet and legs, but I just got new shoes and they have helped tremendously! My back has also been giving me a lot of issues but I have an appt. tomorrow with my chiropractor and hopefully that will solve the problem.

Next week I will hopefully have a new picture of Tadpole to share with you all!

P.S. No we don't have a name picked out yet, and if we did I wouldn't tell you anyway. :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow - time IS flying - hope all goes well! We love you!!!
