Friday, April 11, 2014

T is for Tiger

School has been looking a bit different for us the last two months. I have just been doing the bare bones without all the frills. I thought Josiah would really miss the games and the variety of stuff we did. He was always disappointed when we had to skip the fun stuff before, but he has really surprised me!
 We had a few rough days here and there but for the most part he has adapted well to the new schedule of... well... no schedule. We do school at whatever time of day we can whether its in the morning, right before bed, or scattered throughout the day.
 Michael moved Josiah's desk into my room and I have all of my supplies piled in a basket on my nightstand. It is not ideal, homeschooling in bed, but its working! Josiah loves the freedom to snuggle, sprawl out, sit or stand.

 This last picture is my favorite!!!!!!!!! It was a proud mommy moment and I couldn't help but get excited. Up until this moment, Josiah just would not read something without being told to. He does not hate reading but it is work. He has to actually stop, focus, and think.

If he wants to know something he always asks me what it says but I tell him to read it if he wants to know. (I'm mean, aren't I?) So today when he wanted to know what his paper said he didn't even ask me! He just sounded out the words and read it!!!
I told him how pleased he made me by reading his paper when he wanted to know what it said. I can't believe in another month he will have finished kindergarten!

This coming Monday he will have day one of achievement tests. This will be a completely new experience for him. I am praying that he will adapt well and that the teacher administering the test will not be annoyed with his non stop movement and talking. hahaha PLEASE behave, Josiah! hahaha

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