Monday, July 12, 2010


We are in Margate, Florida this week helping out Faith Baptist Church. Here is a look at our morning.
Josiah was not a happy camper to be woken up before 8am, but he looked so sweet beforehand.
Mouse hat
Puppets! A sweet lady filled in for me so I wouldn't put too much strain on my back. I hurt it over the weekend and it has reminded me that I am getting older... and I DON'T like it! I don't even want to discuss 20 years from now.
Craft Time!
Game Time! I walked out the door, took the picture, and walked back in the AIR-CONDITIONED building! The news this morning said this area was having record breaking heat. I believe them.

The service went well overall, especially for the first day. There were just over 30 kids who showed up and I know about 5 of them trusted Christ this morning. I'm so glad that the Jesus loves these little kids!

Now my sweet guys are taking a much needed nap after a late night and early morning. Michael is only 'posing' in this picture but now he is out like a light! :) Happy Monday, Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Praying that your back feels better and that y'all have a great week! :)
