Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Bible Time!

It's Bible Time here in Fairbanks, Alaska! 

The first two evenings of Bible Time have gone very well! I was blown away tonight by the amount of kids who brought visitors with them! I can't help but smile as I see all the excitement on the children's faces. 

Michael and I have really enjoyed being here and we are especially enjoying the cool weather! Today was in the sixties at least that is what the weather report told me. I actually had to wear my sweater this morning.

Unfortunately, Josiah has gotten sick. This is a picture I took of him on Monday. And if you know Josiah very well at all you understand that for him to lay down like this in the middle of the day and of his own accord that he really doesn't feel well. He was awake, but barely. He is doing better now, but is still coughing and sneezing. And just so you know, he doesn't look miserable all the time, here is one of his cute moments...

Josiah is holding the largest container of animal crackers that I have ever seen. 

He is getting just a 'little' bit spoiled by Grandma Case and Aunt Tina!

And he is loving every minute!

1 comment:

  1. that "cheesy" grin just gets me every time!!! :~D

    Praise the Lord that the VBS is going well! Yay for visitors!!!

    Glad you all are having fun. Praying J gets to feeling better soon, and that you and Mike stay well! (keep drinking that barleymax!!!)

    Love you and miss you,
