Friday, July 5, 2013

Fireworks and Watermelons

Earlier in the week Josiah asked me to make a special breakfast for the fourth of July. It was so sweet so I told him I would try. I kept it easy by "decorating" his toast like a flag with strawberry and blueberry jelly and I used whipped cream for the stripes. Quick and easy and my boy was happy with his "special breakfast". We were also given some fresh eggs the night before so I scrambled some up and we all enjoyed it.
Joanna got filthy dirty playing outside yesterday. This girl plays hard when she is let loose in the back yard! Her cheesy smile just cracks. me. up.
 We are thankful to live somewhere where we can watch fireworks from our front porch. Our little town does a decent show. The best part is when its over all we have to do is walk inside and go to bed. :)
 We enjoyed eating brownies while we watched. :)

 Joanna did really well with all the noise once she got my ear thing-a-ma-jigs on. She even started falling asleep towards the end.
Yesterday we checked on Josiah's watermelon and deemed it ready to be picked. Josiah was a very happy boy!

 I stuck it in the fridge overnight and Josiah helped Daddy cut it up to go with our lunch. If you can't tell, Josiah basically loved his watermelon. He even kissed it and told it to keep growing before we picked it. It was hilarious.

 We were pleased how red it was inside although it was a smaller melon.
 He taste tested it and declared it "yummy".
 Sharing a bite with his sister.
 This girl can eat some watermelon! What am I saying? She can flat out eat just about anything! :)
And tonight we are gonna be eating Papa John's! Whoop Whoop!!!! :) (I love Papa Johns!)

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