Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Future Artist???

Well, most likely not but Josiah has made such an improvement with his coloring that I just had to share with the bloggy world.

This was his color page that he did back in November. (Yep, we took December off from Pre-School.)
 And this is one of his color papers that he did this week. Completely by himself!
Michael and I are both so pleased to see such a vast improvement.

Maybe next month will be the magic month that he will remember what the number six looks like or skip over it when he is counting. lol

~A Happy Momma

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is such a difference! Isn't it amazing what their little minds comprehend SO quickly...and constantly! Whew! Makes me tired just thinking about it. LoL!

    Good job, Josiah!

