Monday, January 30, 2012

Anniversary Sunday 2012

Yesterday we celebrated Pastor and Mrs. Carter's 41st anniversary here at Landmark! I am so grateful to have a Pastor and Pastors Wife that have given so much of their life in service to our Lord. They are a wonderful example to all of us.

I am not sure of the exact count but I believe we were only about 200 away from having 4,000 people in attendance yesterday and 411 of those precious souls came to know Christ as their Lord! Our 3rd-5th grade junior church was packed! We had over 330 kids, and 83 of them accepted Christ!

One of the things as a worker that concerns you on the big days is how the kids who have never been to church before are going to behave. The current group that we have now is not the most mature class we've had over the last few years, so we were wondering how it would go.

All the praise goes to our Lord! They behaved so well!!! We didn't have to send any kids out and that was such a huge blessing! They obeyed the rules and listened attentively to Michael as he gave the Gospel.

 Girls side- section one

Girls side- section two

Boys side- section one
 Boys side- section two
We ran out of chairs and some of our guy workers had to do a bit of scrambling to get more chairs downstairs. We even used some preschool chairs. :)

Here are some of Michael's balloons that he made for prizes. Our Eagle Eyes had cards and when they found someone really doing a great job at singing, following rules, and listening to the preaching they handed a card to the child and at the end of the service they got to choose which balloon they wanted.

"Wearable" Airplane
 Michael's personal favorite- the biplane
 One of the winners
 Winner with the motorcycle
 Winner with the "wearable" race car

Praise the Lord for such a wonderful day in Church!

1 comment:

  1. Joy, First off, all I can say is PRAISE THE LORD! I was home yesterday morning so I watched the auditorium service hubby even has a wire connected from computer to TV so I am actually watching the service on our big TV screen!!! Its almost like being there..:) The message was soo good that Pastor Steven preached..and when they were acknowledging hands raised..I was praying so hard for God to give them the strength and grace to walk down the aisle.. I was in tears through the whole invitation watching all those adults come to the Lord! The 86 year old man just blessed my heart..and the married couple! Of course, they ALL did! Each was so special in some way.. The deaf lady that was led through sign language! How awesome to see God work! I felt honored just to be a part of it! Thank you for sharing about the total number saved..That just blessed my heart all over again! And the pictures are just priceless! Love ya'll! Mrs. Lynn
