Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Decorating Has Begun!

 My hubby was busy during most of his time off getting caught up on some of the things that needed to be done around the house. I was so excited when he started hanging some of our picture frames and I wanted to show off my husbands awesomeness. ;)

I got the vinyl lettering last year and that was the first thing to go up. The picture frame was a birthday gift and I will eventually get real pictures in them... The plan is to get two matching black frames with pictures of the kiddos to go on either side of the phrase... one day.
 I plan on spray painting this frame completely black... one day.
 The last two picture frames are on either side of my french doors.
 This is one of my favorite wall picture design thingys. It is on the opposite wall of the vinyl lettering. I think it needs something on the sides to balance it on the wall... maybe sconces, I'm not sure. I'm not really a decorator so if someone has an idea let me know.
 One of the beauties that we unpacked a few weeks back. This is hand made and was given to us as a wedding gift. We have had it packed away the last 5 1/2 years since we didn't have room for it. And I just have to say that it is extremely heavy. Right now its home is the back of the couch but I'd love to have a quilt rack that I can hang it up on the wall and display it... one day.
 I have been keeping an eye out on my blogs for any household tips and the like and I got this idea for a bookshelf for Josiah. I explained it to Michael and he loved the idea and searched his man cave to see if he could create something without spending money.

He put something together but when we were going through boxes in the garage he saw what I used as my spice rack at the old apartment that I am no longer using. He stared at it and then said to me what if we cut it and use this as his book shelf.... My Husband is a GENIUS! I love how it turned out! There is one more shelf, but Michael's leatherman was giving out with all the sawing it was doing. He needs real tools in his man cave... one day.
Michael hung it behind Josiah's door as another way to conserve space. I love it that that little corner isn't wasted space anymore. Josiah is doing a great job keeping his books on his shelves now.

 Josiah and I also had a wonderful visit from my dearest friend and her sweet baby girl yesterday! Josiah 'helped' Sami feed and burp Ailey. It was so sweet.
I loved getting to hold Ailey! Tadpole kicked like crazy when I did. Sami was saying that the girls will grow up best friends just like us and then changed her mind and said with our luck they'll hate each other. lol

I was thankful for time spent with a good friend even though we didn't 'DO' anything. My energy level still isn't great so it was nice to just visit for a while. Oh, did I mention Sami bought pizza... the baby LOVES pizza right now! :)

Lovin' this cold weather!

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