Friday, January 3, 2014

N is for Nest

Well, School has still been going on the last few weeks despite the holiday season. We've not been "strict" about it but Josiah just does better with structure (He is his mother's child). So we've done "light" schooling two days a week.

Here is my fireman reading his book. :)
Michael made some homemade ornaments (obviously a few weeks ago) with the kids during Bible time. It was made mostly of cinnamon so it smelled pretty yummy.

During school if Joanna is being good than I allow her to roam the house. More often than not she ends up here looking through all their books.

This week we are reading about planes. Josiah normally picks a topic and then I try to find several books at the library to read throughout the week with the kids. I found a nifty book with several crafts that "fly". Since it was a windy day we "TRIED" to make a homemade kite.
 Yea, I was freezing so we didn't stay outside long enough to teach Josiah how to fly a kite. haha I held it up in the wind until it caught and then Josiah just went nuts running around the yard dragging it on the ground.
They had fun and that is all that really matters. :)

Week 18 is complete! Next week we are back to normal. I'm really looking forward to it. :)

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