Friday, November 1, 2013

I is for Igloo

We have really picked up on our reading this week. It is SO nifty hearing my son actually reading! We have also ventured into the world of addition.
 Josiah is also writing his name without any help. :)
 We've been dealing with Josiah on the subject of pumpkins. He got it in his little head that pumpkins were evil. I think we finally put two and two together on how he came up with that idea. Anyway, in an effort to help Josiah understand that pumpkins were not evil he and I decided to make a pumpkin pie using fresh pumpkin.

Tuesday we went to the store and Jman picked out his pumpkin. Afterward we went to story time at the library where the theme was actually "pumpkin patch". haha

Thursday after we finished up our school work we got started on our Pumpkin Project.
He washed his pumpkin with a little extra help from mommy.
 Then he counted how many times mommy stabbed it and then we baked it.
 After it cooled off we began the process of getting the seeds out and cleaning all that weird "stuff" out.
 With the seeds we tried our hand at making Candied Pumpkin Seeds.
 He very patiently sat and waited and waited as long as he could for them to finish baking. He actually lasted about 15 minutes. :)
 Joanna, on the other hand....
 The seeds turned out okay. I don't think we are much of a seed eating family.

Friday morning, after school, we got started on our pie. Mommy wasn't feeling the greatest and totally forgot to take pictures of Josiah flinging pumpkin, milk, and seasonings all over the place. (I'll be glad when he is old enough to thoroughly clean up his messes.)

Anywho. The pumpkin pie turned out so much better than I thought! Seriously. I was a little worried that it would be a bit stringy since I had to hand mash the pumpkin. (I'm thinking I need to invest in a food processor eventually.)

It did have a different consistency compared to a store bought pie. Ours was much wetter and I think that is why we all liked it. :) Josiah wanted to share some with our friends so I am hoping they enjoyed their piece as well.

 Shockingly, Michael really liked it!!!! He has never been a fan of pumpkin pie. Tonight, Josiah and I helped bring him over to the dark side. muwahahaha!
I must confess. We all ate two pieces. ;)
Tomorrow I'm trying Pumpkin Whoopie Pies.

I'm thinking there are more benefits to homeschooling that we first thought. hehe

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