Tuesday night was Action Hero Night at Chick-fil-a. The kids who dress up get a free chicken nugget meal. Once again, we are all about free family fun!
It was also our turn to babysit so Dory and I were texting back and forth that afternoon to coordinate outfits. Shhh! Don't tell anyone but I think I had more fun getting outfits together than an almost 30 year old should have! hehe!
The kids enjoyed their free meal and had a great time being dressed up. Josiah was excited to see all the other boys and girls all dressed up too. Joanna's favorite part was the cow. She kept waving and saying "hi" and "moo"! SO CUTE!
Hannah loved the cow unless it moved and then she was scared. As soon as the cow would stop moving she was back to her happy self saying "Hi Cow"! Madison enjoyed her foot and sang and talked the whole time we were there.
When the kids finished eating they went to play. Michael stayed with them while Madison and I cleaned up our area.
When we were leaving someone asked us how old our kids were. Michael responded with "He's four, She's 18 months, and them... I haven't got a clue". LOL I stepped in and explained that it was our turn to babysit. Then we had a nice long conversation about how she and a friend used to trade nights when their kids were young. She was a really nice lady and gave us a few ideas of some things that she used to do. Our Patriotic Princess :)
Michael was teaching her to put her hands on her hips.
Our "Josiah Buzz Light Year" complete with real live sound effects. :)
It was such a fun and relaxing night. One would think that it would have been insane with four kids under four years of age but they were very well behaved. Even the other kids in the restaurant were well behaved.
A big huge thanks to Chick-fil-a for giving families a great opportunity to make memories with their kids!
So cute! I canNOT believe you got Lady J to leave that mask on the whole time!!!