It is amazing the things you can utilize while home schooling. On one particular day this week the white board was slam full of stuff so there was no room left for Jman to practice writing. He loves to write on the board and I knew he would be disappointed if he didn't get to. I remembered he has a doodle pad so I grabbed it and he got to practice his letters on it. He thought that was pretty cool to use a "toy" for school.
This week we learned to write cursive letter 'a' and 'o'.
His first 'o' paper. Happy Momma! :)
In math, we are beginning to learn about money. He seems to really enjoy math. He had his first "evaluation" today and he nailed it.
During Phonics this week I saw a touch of improvement in distinguishing the 'e' and 'i' sounds from each other. His phonics evaluation was yesterday and he scored 3 out of 5.
Joanna has been pretty good during school this week. Yesterday she did not want to be by herself so she actually sat in the swing for most of school. Josiah is faced with the hard lesson of focusing on his work no matter what is going on around him. Poor guy. haha. Maybe the Lord will use that lesson later on in his life.
I got a video of Josiah saying his Bible verses earlier that I will post on FB soon. Daddy is teaching him about the Trinity as well as learning the books of the Bible. He has special hand motions for each book. SO CUTE! heehee
Week 3: Complete!
Week 4: A special SECRET surprise for the little man! Stay Tuned! :)
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