Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Anniversary Weekend

So while the kids are quietly playing together and I have a cake in the oven baking I thought I'd give you a little snippet of mine and Michael's anniversary weekend. I can hardly believe it has been seven years since we got married. Time is just flying by at super sonic speeds!

Friday night we went to a dinner theater in O Town. We sat at a table with a whole family and it was hilarious listening to them tell stories on each other from when they were kids. One of the ladies has been homeschooling for YEARS so we got to talking about that and I really enjoyed hearing all she had to share with me. 

Saturday we had lunch at Andrea's in Winter Haven. We love their gyros! Afterwards, some friends from church allowed us to come out to their house and use their gun range.
 I enjoyed shooting my gun for several rounds. I finally quit when my arms started hurting.
 I actually got my first bulls eye! I hope to improve and get many more in my future! :)
 Our friends also had a jet ski and offered to let us ride it. Michael's face looked like a little boy, it was full of excitement. I had never been on one before but I wanted to give it a go. Michael went out first to get a hang for the way it drives. It was driving a bit funny but He came back and I climbed on.

Two feet from the shore we flipped over. -__-

I was like "I'm already wet, might as well try it again." Did I mention that we were not prepared with extra clothes? Anyway, I get back on and we almost flipped again. I freaked out calmly stated my desire to put both feet back on the ground. (Michael discovered that there was a bunch of gunk sucked up in something on the bottom.)

It will be a while before I venture out on a jet ski again! It was definitely memorable, though.

Everyone dressed up for Sunday :)

Memorial Day we went over to our friend's house which also happen to be our neighbors for a cookout. We enjoyed a relaxing time with them.

Baby Madison worked herself into an odd position that made me laugh when I walked in the door and saw her.
 Joanna wanted to play with her. :)
 Hannah and Joanna playing with letters. I wish I kept my camera out and got some pictures of the boys running around and playing but I got busy talking and forgot.
We all had a great time with friends and I love having friends who live so close. It only took us a minute to get home. :)

I am smelling cake coming from my kitchen so "Happy Tuesday"! :)

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