Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gratituesday: Oh, Blessed Table Food!

When Josiah was a little guy he was an extremely picky eater when it came to texture. He liked most foods (except bananas, the crazy kid) but if it was not COMPLETELY pureed he would gag and throw up. I mean if it had the teeniest tiniest little lump of food... gag, cough, throw up. 
He ate stage 2 baby food for the LONGEST time. I mean up until he was a year old. I tried making baby food but he would find the tiny spec of food and gag and I really hated the after effects of him gagging. So I eventually gave up and just bought jars of food.

Fast forward to Joanna. I remember the first time giving her food I was just praying she wouldn't be like Jman. The Lord is so gracious because Lady J is the easiest baby to feed! She is doing great with texture and has no problem with the lumps.
This is HUGE for us! I have been able to make baby food and the coolest thing is to mash up our food as we are eating and feed it to her. Tonight she got her first taste of broccoli casserole. She loved it!

Michael and I keep saying that it is so weird to be able to give her our food. Michael said "We're kinda like normal people." I wouldn't go THAT far, but it is nice to not have to constantly be on guard for little lumps of food.

I Corinthians 10:31 
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

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