Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful- Nov 12th

Today I am thankful for Imagination!

I am a cruel mommy. I have banned toys and books that have batteries. Alright, maybe banned is a little strong of a word. I sweetly suggest that they be bought in moderation.

FOR THE MOST PART, when Josiah is playing with toys that make noises or only do certain functions he quickly loses interest in the toy. He plays with it only how the toy "suggests" it be played with, and quickly becomes bored.

For example, last Christmas J was given two cars that race and make obnoxiously loud revving noises. So Josiah when playing with them (97% of the time) he races them about 5 times and then leaves them for something else. On the other hand, he has an exact replica of one of those cars that does not make noise or race. This car at any given time is being towed, flying through the air, saving an army man, or is stuck in the mud. OR as in the above picture he is at the fire station waiting for all the guys to get there and load up to go put the fire out at the transfer station.

The child played for over an hour like that the other day. It is hilarious to listen to him play. Each of his guys has his own character. He changes his voice for each one. The beauty of his imagination is that by afternoon each guy has a new voice and job.

Oh, and without batteries, life at home isn't so loud.  Which honestly is the number one reason I do not like battery operated toys. I do not like lots of noise, or multiple noise sources going at the same time.

Noise = headache (in my book)

Disclaimer: I do not believe that if your child has battery operated toys that you/they are horrible and have no imagination. If I did I wouldn't have a kindle... or a phone... or a laptop... or a camera... or...
I'm gonna stop talking now. :)

Colossians 3:15 
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

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