Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Taste of Key West

 Taking a short walk on the beach and pier, absolutely beautiful!
 Sting Ray coming to the surface
 The beautiful water that is so clear
 Josiah and Eba
 Josiah trying to see all the fish from the pier
 Mrs. H hanging on to little man. I think everyone took turns running after him to hang on to him.
We enjoyed our short visit to Key West. Michael was helping get the sound system up and running in Mr. H's church and I went to have an 'adventure'. Besides I wouldn't let Michael go without me since I was gone so much the last few weeks. :) 

The sweet H family also kept Josiah for a couple hours so Michael and I could go have dinner together. We enjoyed that time together but I was so wore out by the time we got to the restaurant that we didn't do anything else after dinner.

I would love to go back to the keys and spend a few days sight seeing and enjoying the water. It really was beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Just gorgeous shots!!! So glad everybody helped keep J safe - LOL! The picture of the lobster is very cool.

    We should plan to go to Key West together some day - maybe a family girls' weekend...I can think of a sister and a sister-in-law that we could probably persuade to go with us!!! :)
