Thursday, July 14, 2011

Moving In

The outside of our new house. Except now the lawn is mowed and the broken storm door is no longer there :)
Josiah wanted me to take a picture of him with his toys in his new room. He seriously asked me to do it too!
We are excited to be in our new home!!!
 We are very comfy sleeping in our new rooms!

This was the night before the big move. (Sorry the pictures aren't in the correct order but... I'm too exhausted to really care right now.) My parents invited us to Sonny's, Praise The Lord, I did not have to cook the day before the move. :)
 My dad stealing Josiah's cowboy hat.
 Josiah is trying to 'ride' his horsey which is actually a toy box.
 All moved in!! The nation celebrated with us by lighting fireworks for us. :D
 We were able to watch our town's fireworks display from the kitchen windows! I loved the fact that we could see them and the sound was muffled! The noise is the only thing I don't like about fireworks.
 Josiah kept singing 'twinkle, twinkle little star'
 I was glad when they finally stopped so we could collapse in bed!
It has been a whirlwind this month! We are mostly unpacked (the blessing of having lived somewhere small!) Our internet was connected yesterday and we are getting 2 very special things delivered tonight and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy & Completely Worn Out,

1 comment:

  1. wow - great pics of the nice that you could view them in the comfort of your own house, in your jammies, no less! ;)

    so glad you are settled in. can't wait to hear about the 2 very special things being delivered.
