Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

So, my little guy is super crazy about 3 main cartoon characters. Thomas the Train, Elmo, & anything Toy Story. I will be in the store and if Josiah sees any of those characters he literally yells its name. It can be a little embarrassing, but it is also so cute how excited he gets when he recognizes one of them.

Last week Nana went on a spoiling spree and got him a towel that makes you look like Woody. Josiah got to use it for the first time last night and he was so cute! 

The fact that he says "I'm Woody" just cracks me up! I love this little guy!

This is a loaded month for the Case household! Michael filled in for a Pastor who was out of town this past weekend, while I stayed at LBC with Josiah. You can check out our schedule for the rest of the month in the side bar.

I am super excited that next week I get to attend a ladies conference! I was supposed to go last year but the night before I was to leave I got really sick and had to stay in bed all during the conference. Lord willing, no sickness will keep me from attending this year.

And as a side note- I am LOVIN' this fall weather Florida is having right now! I am hoping it decides to stick around for awhile. 

1 comment:

  1. howdy to YOU, too, Woody!!!

    lol - soooo funny! love the pics, too!

    oh, and your new background is very cute!

    hope you get to attend the ladies' meeting. :)
