Thursday, July 8, 2010


Wednesday night saw another increase in attendance, over 70 kids showed up! Here are some pics from the last few days.
Everyone is looking forward to seeing what the Lord does with the next two nights. There have been a few saved so far as well. I know for sure that three have accepted Christ with many more being dealt with by the teachers.
The kids really seem to enjoy the puppet skits Michael has been doing- even the teenagers and adults get caught up in the excitement of it all! The biggest blessing to me the last few days is to see all the workers that come out each night to help. There are also a few ladies who wish they could help out but their health doesn't allow them to. But I see them faithfully showing up and sitting in the back and smiling and saying hi to the kids as they pass by. It is such a blessing to see them ministering in their own way!
Michael brought me back home last night so I can attend a workshop tonight while Nana spoils her grandson. He headed back this morning to finish off the last two nights. He is currently working on making a balloon to give to the child that brings the most visitors!
Thanks for praying for us!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to hear about your workshop!!! feel free to drop by and share all the new info! :)

