It was nice to see everyone. Aunt Becky brought eggs and baskets so all the littles could do an egg hunt. We stayed about thirty minutes and then came home. I spent the rest of the day in bed with my heating pad and pain pills. haha.
My body isn't quite ready for being out and about just yet. We have more family coming down in May for vacation and we are hoping that I am well enough to do a few things with everyone by then. If not, while I will be bummed I will keep trusting that Christ knows best.
I am LOVING having my sister in law with us for a few days. We get along so well and have been talking almost non stop. haha. I am SO glad she and Isabella was able to fly down with Amy!
Poor Joanna seems to have caught the stomach bug. :( We are praying like crazy that no one else catches it! Sarah and the baby fly out Thursday and the last thing they need is to be sick! So for tonight Lady J is sleeping in our room. She is quiet as a mouse but has yet to go to sleep.
The Lord has continued to supply our every need and even a few wants! We are so truly blessed by the love and generosity of those that God has placed in our lives. I won't list names or anything because recognition is not what they want but I pray and truly believe that God will bless each and every person who have been an encouragement to our family through our journey.
I sign off for the night with a few pictures from Saturday...