Saturday, June 22, 2013

Yard Sale Treasures

Late this morning, Josiah and I headed out in my neighborhood to hit up two yard sales. I've had $25 that I have been hanging on to that I earned and it was starting to burn a hole! :) 

The first one I stopped at I really didn't see anything first off that I wanted and then I came across something I just told Michael I would like to have for home school purposes... a small white board! I just priced some at Staples last Saturday and decided that I didn't need a white board that bad. And then today... Bam! Here ya go!
It was leaned up against a small stool, something else I've wanted for use in my kitchen!
I asked the guy how much he wanted for them and he said a dollar for both. I was all like "I'm sorry. Did you say a dollar for both?" :) Sold! (with my spare change!) I've already got all the stuff I need to spruce the stool up a bit!

Then if God hasn't already blessed me enough I show up at the second yard sale. Already thrilled with my finds I just browsed and found a bunch of stuff I didn't need. The lady asked me what I was looking for and then told me to pass the word along to anyone looking for patio furniture she was selling her set for $25. "$25? I'll take it!" I didn't even bother asking her how much in the first place because I figured it would be expensive. She is moving so she was selling at rock bottom prices. She ended up sending us home with a few free items too!

I have been wanting patio furniture FOREVER! Okay, maybe not "forever" but ever since we've been in our house. I put my money that I earned to good use, I now am the owner of a four piece set! It needs some TLC and I am incredibly willing to give it! 
 The above double and the below single chair are both rockers!
 This chair and ottoman are stationary.
It needs new cushion covers and I am planning to spray paint the wicker. I am SO EXCITED!

The really neat "God did this thing" on the chairs is that I walk in this neighborhood and a couple of weeks ago I saw the set on the porch of the house. I fell in love with the style and told God I would like something like that one day.

I am completely blown away at what God has provided for our family at a fraction of the cost. He is so good to us way beyond imaginable!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Great Desk Disaster

If there is one area of my life I am not the greatest at it is being organized. I can be really good at it until I start stacking stuff and then its downhill from there. The last few months I have really let my desk go. 

Shame. Shame. Shame. 

I was looking for a gift certificate that was buried somewhere in that mess. That's when I (finally) decided that enough was enough and I started cleaning it up. I started feeling horrible when I discovered some things that never gotten taken care of because it got shoved to the bottom of my stack.

Christmas cards that never got mailed. :(
 My husbands valentines day card...
 Picture cd's that need to be mailed...
 And the worst...
 Nothing like a late fee to really make a body feel horrible for being disorganized. I should have my non-expired license soon.

I can now see the surface of my desk. Woohoo! I still need a few more things to really be organized the way I want but I've got a good start. I am going to work hard at keeping it neat.
My next project is cleaning up my recipe binder. :)

Anyone else suffer from a desk disaster every once in a while? ;)

Water Play Date

This morning I hosted a water play date at my house. There were nine kids and five moms all together. I had our water table and sprinkler set up and Dory brought her kiddie pool. Then they had the option to play on the swing set or with bubbles when they tired of the water.

The pool was a big hit with the kids. I was shocked that my kids loved it so much. I think they have a love hate relationship with pools. :) Anyways, nine kids and one little kiddie pool... we NEED a bigger pool! :)

Josiah, Matthew, Joanna and Hannah

 Abby, Joanna, Joanna, and Hannah
 Abby, Caleb, Josiah, Joanna, and Joanna
 Hannah, Josiah and Abby
 We got the kids inside and changed for a lunch of not-so-healthy but oh-so-easy pizza. :)
Caleb, Josiah, Abby, and Brooke
 Joanna baked a cake for the kids. (Not my Joanna, because she is just a baby and isn't allowed to use the oven just yet. hehe) Here is Hannah cheesin' while she demolished her piece.
 Donna and Seth
 My Joanna enjoying her cake right after eating two slices of pizza. Home girl can pack away some food.
We all had so much fun and the kids wore themselves out real good. I've already had reports of the other kids taking a really good nap this afternoon. Joanna even slept through me sweeping and steam mopping the floors. :) Thanks to all the ladies showing up with their kids! It was a blast and I hope we get to do this again soon.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

 Father's Day morning the kids woke Michael up and gave him his cards we worked on this week. I then fed them chewy eggs that got cooked a bit longer than intended and almost burnt cinnamon rolls that I had to pull out of the oven before the suggested cook time finished. I guess I just wasn't on my game yesterday morning. :)
 We snapped a few shots of the World's Greatest Daddy before we left for church.
 There always has to be a silly picture. Always. I LOVE that Joanna is has a "What are you guys doing? Boys are so weird." look on her face
 These are the craft/cards we worked on for Michael this week.

At Church they hung up bulletin boards and everyone brought in pictures of their Dads and Grandads to hang up. I loved looking at all the pictures, Josiah especially loved the older pictures taken in front of airplanes. This is what we hung up-

We were able to have my parents over after church for lunch. I didn't take the first picture. It's shocking, I know. :) I hope everyone had a blessed day remembering the special men in your life.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Another Day Another Diaper

I have missed spending time with my kids over the last week. It has been so nice to really enjoy them today. Even getting chores done with them has been enjoyable.

In order for me to get the laundry folded Josiah had to bring me the clothes and then he would throw the clothes on top of the bed so I could easily reach them. Jman brought some toys to my room so he could play on the other half of my bed. It was sweet that he just wanted to be near me and talk with me.

I briefly left the room to put something away and when I came back he was hiding and giggling. He put a toy on top of some laundry and thought it was the funniest thing ever. 
I played along with it and we both had a fun time giggling with each other. And I just have to tell you guys that Josiah calls the masseuse a "moose". It is hilarious when he asks me "Are you feeling better after you saw the moose?" 

This morning while Josiah was working on his school work at the table I spent some cuddle time with Joanna and watched her play with her kitchen and talk on her phone. She had so much to say that I can't wait for the day to hear her speak something I can understand. 

Baby girl was really tired again today. She got really quiet and I found her asleep on the kitchen floor. I got her up and took her to her room to lay her down and she just looks at me and gives me a big ole smile and then closes her eyes. 
I tell you, there are days that make me wish I could hibernate for six months. Then there are days... days that are just so sweet and full of fun memories that I want to stop time and press replay over and over again. Today would be one of those days I'd want to replay. I might skip the parts where Joanna played in the toilet and where Josiah smacked Jo in the head with his Woody doll on accident. But I just might play them because what's life without a little bedlam?

So my first full day back "in charge" reminds me how blessed I am that two little mischievous monkeys call me Mama (or Mommy or Mom or Eeeeehhhhhhh or Aahhhhhhh). Silly giggles, sweet grins and slobbery kisses have made my day brighter (even if my windows are too smudged to let the sun shine in).
I'm blessed.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

On The Mend

For the last week I've been dealing with severe back and hip pain. As in "touch me and I will cry". I was basically in bed from Wednesday night until Monday morning. My parents kindly sent me to my massage therapist who really worked me over.

For the record- doctors, chiropractors and massage therapists all say the same phrase. And I hate it. "Just relax and breathe through the pain." I really want to say something snarky like "I'd like to see you breathe through the pain and relax while someone is digging their fingers into your muscles."

It isn't a pleasant experience but I am so thankful for the results that come from what I believe to be torture. I think I am finally on the mend. I am still very sore and sometimes the pain comes back but its bearable. I am just going to have to be very careful for a while to not re-injure myself.

Enough about me. Michael has been absolutely wonderful through all this. He has kept the house habitable, the children (and me) fed and has just now ventured to the grocery store. I promise I will not even pick on him if he returns home with a few things not found on the grocery list.

Big thank you as well goes to my parents for babysitting, chauffeuring me, and for an unexpected meal.  I also had two of my neighbors that kept the kids so I can make it to my appointment. Then I think about those of you who called, sent me kind notes and texts, and most of all prayed for me. When I was really hurting on Thursday I read and reread everything that people sent me and I prayed for you and thanked God that I have people who care for me no matter what.

I was really sad to miss spending time with my friend, Sheila, who was here last week. But it was fun texting back and forth. Then I thought I was going to miss seeing my cousin Amanda and her new baby who were in town for just a few days for a funeral. I was THRILLED though that they went out of their way to come to my house so I could get a glimpse of their sweet Amanda Joy! That baby is a DOLL and I am so jealous that Joanna doesn't have that head of hair. :)

 I held her for about 30 seconds and loved that baby goodness until she decided she'd rather have mommy. :) Thank you Amanda and James for making my day! :)

 As you can see my children are still alive and having fun. Josiah's favorite thing right now is bubble baths. Joanna's favorite thing is food. She eats more than Josiah right now. :)
I am thankful for the reminder this week that I have the best family and friends a girl could have. Here's to a quiet and hopefully uneventful week...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Arrival of a June Baby

Michael's younger sister, Tina who has been dealing with preeclampsia for the last few weeks was medivac to Anchorage last night to have an emergency c-section.
Lilian Patsy McAndrews was safely born at 1:57 am (Alaska Time). She weighed 4 lbs 9 oz and from all reports both Mommy and Baby are doing well.
We are thankful that God brought them safely through what could have ended much differently.

(This face cracks me up! I love that she is crinkling her little nose.)
Congratulations Daniel and Tina on your beautiful new daughter!