Monday, October 22, 2012

God Said "Good Morning"

Thankful for another day to serve my Lord!

Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Ready for a picture post? :) We went to Bok Tower Gardens this morning for their Boktoberfest and we had a blast! We didn't really check out admission price but it ended up being free admission! (Can I hear an Amen!) I love free family activities!
Boktoberfest is a huge plant sale. I so wish we had some money to throw at some plants this year because they had some pretty decent prices. They had some live entertainment, food booths, and activities for kids. We did all the free stuff. :)
 They had a little petting zoo type thing that Josiah and Daddy enjoyed together.
 "Hi, Rooster!"

 Josiah LOVED Juggles the Clown. He giggled the whole time. It was so fun just to watch him enjoy himself. That is probably one of the nicest things about being a parent is to see your child enjoying himself.
 I mean really. Do you see that smile?!!
 Part of the show included a rabbit and Josiah actually left us to go up front to pet him. He is venturing out and growing up. :)
 Probably my favorite part of the day was seeing some "Red Hat" ladies. They always crack me up with their hats. After the clown show one of them came up to me and asked to take a picture with Joanna because and I quote "She is a future red hatter with that hair bow!" LOL So I let her hold Joanna as I took a picture of the ladies.
Joanna was enthralled with the lady on the end in the huge hate. She was attracted to all that bling. What can I say, she is girly girl!
 Once the picture was made we found a picnic table and ate our lunch that we brought with us. At that time the entertainment was some sort of German singers and I laughed at some of the old guys getting up and doing some polka dancing down front. I also saw several get up and do the chicken dance. (Umm, wow. We will leave it at that.)

We had a conversation with a guy across from us that started with me translating Wunderbar (German for wonderful). Ha Ha! I guess all my Amish books come in handy. He asked if I've ever been to Amish country which started me on my "dream vacation" talk. :)

They also had one of the trees set up for tree climbing. Michael wanted to do it so bad but he wasn't about to pay $12 to do it. Then he proceeds to talk about wanting to rock climb. (Ack!)
Some of those kids impressed me with their skills.
 Family Pic - Joanna was zonked out at this point.
 Josiah listening to the carillon bells and Michael watching the tree climbers.

 Jumping off a pile of rock on our way to the truck. He is such a boy!
I hope we get to do this again next year! We had fun and spent nada to do it!

Psalm 16:11 
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Six Month Old Child Prodigy

Our sweet Joanna McKinley turns six months old today. 
 She is easily rolling over and is now trying to get up on her knees. She is also beginning to sit up on her own. Last week she said her first word!!!! Mama! or Ma Ma Ma Ma! It all depends on her mood. :) We were sitting in Church with Lady J's Godmother when she said it and I honestly didn't hear it the first time but Jennifer did. But because Joanna loves me, she said it again! And again! :D We are all having fun with this new found skill.

This morning I was practicing some choir songs or at least trying to but Jo was fussin' up a storm. I picked her up and as soon as she saw my music she became a sweet angel baby.

 So last week she says her first word and this week she is singing The Hallelujah Chorus. 
Sounds like a child prodigy to me. ;)

Psalm 95:1 
               "O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation."

Friday, October 12, 2012

May I Have This Dance?

giggles + classical music = brother/sister dance time

Whenever Joanna has on a poofy, pretty dress Josiah always says that she is a princess and that he wants to dance with her. It is so sweet to watch and listen to all the giggles between them. With a little help from Daddy, Josiah and Joanna dance and twirl to their hearts content.

 Daddy's turn :)

 I took this picture after they finished dancing. I LOVE their smiles! It just screams "I had fun!".
I love these sweet moments of watching our children play and love on each other.

Ecclesiastes 3:4
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

Friday, October 5, 2012


Look-ey what I can do! 
 A soft landing and a bit of rest
So I can try again.

 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Galatians 6:9

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Garlic Breathing Dragon

Unfortunately, I have been pretty much sick since the end of July. None of my home remedies were kicking the yuckies out of my system so I headed to the doctor. He gave me some antibiotics and a list of To Do's and sent me on my merry little way. He was optimistic that the meds would kick out the germies.

Thankfully, he gave me 2 refills and the meds were free at Publix. I took those pills for three weeks and was JUST starting to notice a difference. Once I got off the medicine though, I started to feel lousy again. Back to the doctor I go. Now it has developed into bronchitis. Yippie Skippie. Now I have to buy expensive meds and continue with that list of To Do's. I have been off that medicine just over a week now and guess what? I am feeling rather lousy again.

So yesterday, I remembered my friend/cousin saying something about garlic. Since I was feeling sick again I got this brilliant idea to start loading myself up with garlic. Only I do not have garlic in the pill form at my house like my friend takes. I have a couple bulbs though. So to Google I go trying to figure out the best way to take this garlic.

Easiest way... just eat it. Have Mercy! I tried it. Eyes watered, nose ran, and my mouth and esophagus was ON FIRE! For the next hour I felt like I was a fire breathing dragon. I've never thought of garlic as being hot and I LOVE me some garlic (we eat it all the time) but that was the first time I've ever just taken a bite of a clove of garlic. In my defense, I never think straight when I am not feeling well. :)

This morning after a bit more research I made garlic toast. YUMMY! I loved it and I am not on fire! So that is my saga of the garlic breathing dragon. So Lord willing, the extra intake of garlic will help kill the germies and if not at least I will enjoy the garlic toast. :)

Now as you are shaking your head wondering what planet I am from, I leave you with some pictures of Josiah during his preschool time.

 I thought he did magnificent on some free hand writing! Maybe Michael and I are biased but we think he did great for a 3 1/2 year old!

Proverbs 3:13   
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Shmonday

 This is my to do list... from LAST MONDAY!
I've been working on that list all week long and there are still several items not crossed off.
Oh, shmell. Life happens.

 As I raise my tall glass of Sweet Tea (because that is the only kind worth having) I give a bloggy toast to life. It may not always be neat and orderly fitting on my to do list. I may take a frigid shower unintentionally, my three year old may knock over a $40 can of wood stain, the husband may step through the porch floor, the princess may scream when she should be snoring but I couldn't imagine my life being any less crazy. If it was  I might get bored, or complacent, or ungrateful. 

My crazy life is a wondrous gift!

James 4:14,15 

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.