Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tadpole Update!!!

Tadpole's room is coming together nicely.
Daddy and Josiah worked hard to get the crib put together.
 I found a vinyl tree on Etsy that I loved but it was incredibly expensive. While out shopping with my mom we came across this tree for a fraction of the price. :)

 My sister passed on her bassinet to us. That thing was a challenge to get together! I finally googled instructions (which weren't real clear) and finally between Michael and me, we figured it out.
 I LOVE seeing little dresses hanging in the closet!
 Everything is finding its place slowly but surely.
 Michael put our new stroller together!!! Thanks, Mom!
 We bought a used stroller when we had J and it has served us well but it is falling apart from all the abuse over the last three years. This new stroller is actually a double stroller but it is not as large as the normal double strollers I've seen. It can be taken apart and the seats rearranged. There is one set up where you can completely remove one seat and J can stand on a step. Sorry I totally spaced taking a picture of the final product, but believe me... its awesome!
 I am currently 32 weeks along! It is going by so fast, but I am thankful for that at the same time! ;)
Tadpole is growing like crazy. Her feet have found my ribs and I think she takes great fun in kicking and pushing as hard as she can. 

Today at my appointment they set up Tadpole's birthday! :D 

April 23 is the big day!!!

So unless anything unusual happens between now and then I get to meet my little girl somewhere around 8:30 that morning. I am so excited!!! 

54 Days!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Many Hats Josiah Wears

 It seems every time I turn around Josiah is wearing a different hat. I have loved seeing him in his various 'characters' that he pretends to be as well. Sometimes I find his hats hanging throughout the house. The time that really made me laugh was when I found his hat and horse hanging in the bathroom. I asked Josiah why he hung them in there. He looked at me and says ever so sweetly, "I had to go potty."
Michael almost didn't believe me about J and his hat fetish as of late, but then when he was home yesterday and Josiah wore 3 different hats in about a 15 minute time span it made him laugh.
I call the above hat his "Beverly Hillbillies Look".
I call these two looks his "Hunting looks". Sometimes he is hunting animals and sometimes he is bird watching.

Another picture of "Jed".
Being silly with his Woody hat.
Below: I have no idea what he is trying to be but the picture totally makes me laugh. :)
One of my favorite looks is his "Indiana Jones Look". I love it when he wears this hat cocked forward and is climbing on everything.
Wow. This look- I'm not really sure what was going on but he came out in his hat, his favorite socks pulled as high as he could get them and his sandals. He MUST get his fashion sense from his Daddy. ;)
And lastly his "I look like that man!" AKA the Steak and Shake bus boy. lol
I love having a little guy whose imagination keeps me on my toes and my camera nearby. :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tadpole - A Pregnancy Update

Sorry Y'all- You'll have to forgive the 'bathroom self-portrait' because I didn't like the other picture I had.

I am currently 29 weeks prego! It's crazy how time flies. I only have 11 or so weeks left and our little girl will be here.
She is an active little Tadpole. Last week at my appointment it took almost five whole minutes for the doctor to get a heartbeat because she would not stay still. The doc cracked me up when she said the baby was 'Living la vida loca in there'. She is like that anytime I lay down or sit down to rest.

So far I have gained 1 pound- whoop whoop! :) I am still 3 lbs short of what my first weigh in was, but there are no concerns about that.

I have started my 'every two weeks' doctor appts. On the 15th I go back for another ultrasound! I am looking forward to seeing my little girl again. Hopefully, she will cooperate and be still so we can get some 3D pictures of her!

The only 'complaints' I have would be my feet and legs, but I just got new shoes and they have helped tremendously! My back has also been giving me a lot of issues but I have an appt. tomorrow with my chiropractor and hopefully that will solve the problem.

Next week I will hopefully have a new picture of Tadpole to share with you all!

P.S. No we don't have a name picked out yet, and if we did I wouldn't tell you anyway. :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Highlights of Our Week

 1. Michael replaced my kitchen faucet.
The old faucet was corroded pretty bad. We knew we wanted to replace it eventually but we wanted to wait as long as we could before shelling out the money for it. Within the last month or so it has become a need to replace it. The corrosion got so bad that it became very difficult to turn it on. I thought about taking a picture of the old faucet once Michael dismantled it, but it was NASTY looking and I didn't want to ever see it again. But I took a picture of my new pretty one! 
2. A freshly painted kitchen with a color I LOVE!
Thanks to our friends generosity we were able to go buy another gallon of paint and with what was left on the gift card Michael was able to get a new pack of paint brushes!
I know it is hard to really see the color in the pictures but it is a beautiful light yellow color! The color card called it 'Corn Silk'. Michael finished getting my Wallies (the fruit wall paper) up last night. He said my kitchen looks 'girly' now but I don't think he minds too much.
3. Josiah got a playground!
It's more like a playground mansion! lol This was a Christmas/birthday present from Nana and Granddaddy to Josiah and Tadpole. J has had a ball playing on it! Yesterday he had the tire swing spinning as fast as he could then he'd throw his arms up and scream "YA-HOOOOO!" It was so hilarious! We have a toddler swing that we'll attach when the need arises. :)

4. We had a successful yard sale!
We got started late on Friday with the yard sale and didn't have a sign up for the first 45 minutes or so but we still had people stopping by! The Lord is good to us! There was another house down the road having a yard sale at the same time and they had advertised in on Craig's List.
Friday was the best day for us but we still did a fair amount on Saturday. We gave everything that we were going to take to a thrift shop to our neighbor out back so she can try and sell it in her next yard sale. :) Michael was happy to get rid of it all!

5. I found shoes that don't hurt my feet!
Sami has been telling me that I needed to get a pair of Crocs. I finally broke down and bought a pair. That was the most I've ever paid for a pair of shoes since high school! But after two days of wearing them and the pain in my feet and legs were only minimal I am glad I decided to shell out the money for them. On Sunday, I found that Crocs.com was having a sale on certain styles. Michael told me to buy two more pair! :) They should be here by next week. With the sale and coupon code for free shipping, I got both pairs for $10 less than what I paid for the first pair! Thankfully I was able to find a pair that will be passable for Church shoes. :)

Thankful and Blessed,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Josiah Has A Question
